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The Pie Reports By Hayley Lowe Picture Book Activity

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Are you ready for a fun picture book activity? This article is about the book The Pie Reports by Haley Lowe. You’ll find a brief summary of the book along with some fun activities to go along with it! I hope this week’s picture book and activity inspires you to do something fun with someone you love!

The Pie Reports by Hayley Lowe Book Cover with words Picture Book Activity
The Pie Reports by Hayley Lowe Picture Book Activity

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The Pie Report Summary

You are stronger than you know, Noori. I love you more than all the pies in the world.”

“Discusses illness and depression with gentleness that helps make the big feelings that can go with them less overwhelming. Touching and playful illustrations complement a story that handles themes of illness, depression, and aging with empathy and understanding.”―School Library Journal (SLJ), starred review

A love of pie brings a young girl and her grandfather together through good times and bad in this moving story about connection and compassion.

Noor and Granddad love pie. Lemon meringue, blueberry crisp, chocolate cream…they have a pie for every occasion and spend a wonderful summer together trying each one. When vacation ends, Noor must say goodbye and fly home. But despite an ocean of distance between them, and Granddad’s declining health, the pair continue to connect through their shared passion for pastry by meeting for video chats. These weekly pie reports let them chat about what’s new and, of course, discuss and eat pie!

Then one day, Granddad doesn’t log in. He’s experiencing more blue days and doesn’t feel like talking. Noor decides to write down her pie reports, holding space for Granddad until he feels ready.

This gentle story celebrates the special bond between a child and her grandparent and shows the lengths we can go to connect to our loved ones through distance and illness.

If this sounds like a good you’d like to add to your home library you can purchase The Pie Reports here!

The Pie Report Activities

This week I really only have 3 activities but I’m going to list several of the pie options that Noori and her Grandad ate together.

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