Homeschool Encouragement Series: Week 1
Welcome to our new Homeschool Encouragement Series! Our first week, we’ll be hearing from Melinda from Connecting with Littles as she tells us about her homeschooling struggles and how she overcame them!

Dear Homeschooling Mama in the trenches,
I am right here with you.
You see, I dreamed of being a mom of a bunch of little ones ever since I was a young girl. I was the oldest in my family, and my youngest sibling was born when I was six years old. I dreamed of more siblings as I got older, but I never got them!
My dreams came true. I married a wonderful man when I was 22 years old, and by the time I turned 30 I had four little ones.
The problem is, real life doesn’t always look as easy as my dreams. My oldest is 7 and we added homeschooling to the mix. Many times I have struggled with how overwhelming it can be.
“The problem is, real life doesn’t always look as easy as my dreams.”
Melinda from Connecting With Littles
After all my desire to be a mom, postpartum depression and plain old feelings of anger towards my children have taught me that I can’t do it on my own.
I need my Heavenly Father. Having considered myself a very able person, the inability to fulfill my calling on my own has humbled me a lot.
If you are in a place of need today, remember that is just where He needs you to be. In your weakness, He can show His strength.
My struggles with anger have also taught me something. First of all, it is not my children’s fault. Anger tells me that I have too much on my plate.
I have had to learn to cut back on a lot of things, and to deal with things in my past or present that don’t allow me to be fully here for my children. It’s been hard, but it has been good.
I invite you to continue pressing on. There are also many times of great joy in this motherhood/ homeschooling journey. By God’s grace you will be able to be the mother He wants you to be, and it probably looks different then you imagined it to look.
If you, too, struggle with overwhelm or anger, you can find more tips and encouragement in my article on managing anger as a Christian mom.
Meet Melinda!
Melinda lives in Costa Rica with her husband Marcos, and four little ones ages 1,3,5, and 7. She loves to be a wife and mom, and loves sharing the things she has learned with other moms. You can find more motherhood encouragement on her blog Connecting With Littles, or Instagram and Youtube under the same name.
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Always Learning and Always Growing! Happy Homeschooling!