Homeschool Encouragement Series: Week 5
Welcome to week 5 of our Homeschool Encouragement Series! For our 5th guest, we’ll be hearing from Violet from Right At Home as she tells us about her experience growing up as the oldest child of a homeschooling family!

Welcome back Homeschooling Friends!
Meet Violet
Violet Parcha is wife and mom passionate about helping women thrive in their homes. On her
blog you can find delicious, nourishing recipes for various diets and natural homemaking and motherhood tips and ideas.
Homeschool Encouragement
As a mom of a toddler, I can’t tell you which homeschooling method you should try or what
curriculum works for us. Give me a few years and I’m sure I’ll have my own opinions on that,
but for now I want to share with you my perspective as the oldest child of a homeschool family.
When my mom decided to homeschool, she didn’t have a detailed plan; it started with her just
wanting to wait one more year before putting me on a bus. Over the years my parents learned
along the way, found great curriculums, and figured out what worked for our family. But those
aren’t the things that stand out to me most.
What I’m most thankful for about being homeschooled K-12 is the way it allowed my parents to
encourage me to pursue my own talents and interests. I don’t think anything else could have
prepared me better for life. As a child, I loved experimenting in the kitchen and now I get to
create healthy recipes that have healed my husband’s gut! I had so many hobbies over the
years from sewing to raising chickens which was the perfect training for everything that comes with being a homemaker and mom. Homeschool also gave me the time and my parents the ability to encourage me to start multiple businesses throughout my teenage years. This paid off huge when I was able to hit the ground running with business again when I lost my job soon after becoming pregnant with my second child.
What I’m most thankful for about being homeschooled K-12 is the way it allowed my parents to encourage me to pursue my own talents and interests. I don’t think anything else could have
prepared me better for life.Violet from Right At Home
But what if a child has a whole different set of interests? Does homeschooling work well for
those kids too? I am convinced it does! My homeschooled brother-in-law grew up fascinated
by speech and debate and went on to receive his doctorate in communication. He’s now a
university professor and author! Or look at one of my younger sisters. As a teenager she loved
working with metal, so my dad built her a forge in our backyard. After graduating high school,
she received a certificate in welding and now has a great job in a field she loves!
As you’re in the middle of the day to day of homeschooling your children, I want to encourage
you that it’s probably not the detailed lesson plans or the Pinterest-worthy schoolroom that
they’ll remember. But one thing that will stay with them is how you take time to support them in their own unique skills and gifts that they will use for the rest of their lives. Maybe today it’s just a short conversation telling them how much you’re impressed with their athletic skills or
tomorrow you let them skip English because they’re so involved in a woodworking project.
Whatever it is, know that you’re impacting them for the rest of their lives and setting them up to be a success no matter what they do, just like my mom did for me.
Whatever it is, know that you’re impacting them for the rest of their lives and setting them up to be a success no matter what they do, just like my mom did for me.
Violet from Right At Home
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Always Learning and Always Growing! Happy Homeschooling!