1st Grade Math Curriculum Options

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Are you homeschooling and looking for 1st Grade Math Curriculum Options? In this post we will give you a list of Math curriculum options, a list of 1st grade math skill goals, along with a brief overview on how to choose the best option for your family!

1st Grade Math Curriculum Options from Homeschool Freebies and Giveaways
1st Grade Math Curriculum Options

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Teaching math seems to be one of the hardest subjects for homeschooling parents. I, myself have searched “best homeschool math curriculum” at the beginning of my homeschooling journey and found that there wasn’t one place where I could find all the information regarding the different types of curriculum in one place. 

So here is my solution…research everything and provide that information to others who are searching the same thing. So I’m going to give you an advanced warning….this is a going to be a longer post than usual. I know how much research goes into finding the right curriculum and I wanted to give you all the information in one place for easy reference. 

My hope is that you will use this guide to choose the best math program for your families! You may also be interested in this fun activity from my friend Kristen over at Arrows and Applesauce with some fun 1st grade learning activities!

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Guide to Choosing the Right Homeschool Math Curriculum 

  • Identify what you want in a homeschool math program (Use the Goals for 1st Grade Math Below)
  • Narrow down your list to about 3-4 programs you want to try
  • Download a sample
  • Read reviews (make sure you find ones with both the pros and cons.)
  • Make a purchase without buyers remorse and use it to help your child grow!
  • If you get halfway through a curriculum and realize it’s not what your child needs, don’t be afraid to change it up!

Goals for 1st Grade Math

One of the things you want to look for in a 1st grade math curriculum is what concepts they cover. 1st graders are typically learning to recognize and write numbers 0-100, learn to skip count 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, use tally marks, learn ordinal positions from first through twelfth, compare and order numbers 0-100 as greater than, less than, and equal to, and learn place value for 1’s, 10’s and 100’s. They should also be able to identity wholes, halves, thirds and fourths and make and interpret simple picture and bar graphs.

1st graders should learn basic operations for math, such as, hands on experimentation of addition and subtraction of whole numbers through 20 using manipulatives and number lines, learn the definitions of sum, and difference and the names of the +plus and -minus signs, learn basic addition facts through 10 + 10 and corresponding subtraction facts.

First graders should learn to recognize and determine the values of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. They will begin to learn about calendars and to identify days, weeks, months and seasons. 1st graders will also learn to identity and draw 2 dimensional shapes such as circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. And last but not least, they will learn about clocks and be able to tell the time to the hour and 1/2 hour. A good curriculum will include all of these and create a one for learning math with real world examples and hands on activities to bring them to life for your student.

Homeschooling Book Recommendations for New Homeschooling Families

I highly recommend reading these three books prior to purchasing any curriculum!

The Well Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home

Home Learning Year by Year

The Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming the Wonder in your Child’s Education.

During the early years of education, it is highly recommened that your child learn through play. Playing with legos, coloring/nature art, playing store, and reading picture books are all great examples of fun educational activities to do with your 1st grader. Although there is no such thing as a perfect curriculum, use these simple steps to choosing what is best for you and your family.

1st Grade Math Curriculum Options:

In conclusion, there are many 1st grade math curriculums out there. There are many more made by homeschooling mamas because they couldn’t quite find what they were looking for and they created their own. I try to add those to my list as well as I find them! Email me at Hello@HSFG.org to let me know if you have a 1st grade math curriculum you’d like me to add to my list!

Personally, I find that using an open and go, laid out for me curriculum helps me in so many different ways. These are all good options for your young learner!

Tyla From Homeschool Freebie's and Giveaways holding a coffee mug that says Homeschool Mama

Always Learning and Always Growing! Happy Homeschooling!


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