Laundry Schedule for Homeschooling Families with FREE Printable Daily Planner
As a homeschooling mama, I know that keeping the house clean and welcoming can be difficult while teaching phonics to your kindergartner, explaining Newton’s Laws to another kid, and working on multiplication facts with another. That is why I’ve come up with system to help you stay on top of the housework! This post will go over my Laundry Schedule for homeschooling families with a FREE Printable Daily Planner!

Homeschooling and homemaking go hand in hand. While teaching my children is a priority, keeping my home while staying at home all day with the kids is another priority.
Laundry used to be my arch nemesis of my days. BUT I found a system that works for me so I am sharing that with you as well.
Keep in mind, we are a family of 7 and we live out in the country so my kids get dirty almost every day. Also, my guest bedroom is right next to my laundry room so I use my guest bed as a place to put clean clothes if we don’t get to put clothes away each day.
My Weekly Laundry Schedule
- Daily Wash, Dry, and Fold 1 load of laundry each day **PRO TIP: Have your kids bring their clothes to the laundry room after each time they change! This ONE HABIT really changed the overall cleanliness of my home!**
- Laundry Mondays: Pick a day of the week, for us its Mondays, and do bulk laundry on that day. On Mondays, we:
- Wash Sheets
- Hang up and put away any clothes left on the guest bed from the week
- Wipe Down Washer and Dryer: Take 5 minutes with a wet rag to wipe down the outside of the washer and dryer to keep it clean.
- Clean Laundry Room, Sweep and Mop: The laundry room area is one that I rarely clean because forget about it really until it’s bad. Take a few minutes after flipping your laundry to sweep, then the next time you flip laundry mop.
- Clean out clothes: Pick one child’s clothes to go through to take out too small items, exchange for seasonal items, make a list of items needed as they grow.
- Optional Ironing and Mending: If this is something you do then Laundry Day is the day to do it! I won’t lie, I don’t like to iron or mend clothes. Our kids clothes are usually not high quality so when something rips or gets stained, it just becomes outside clothes.
That’s it! Once I implemented Laundry Monday’s, I have been able to stay on top of my laundry! My sheets are clean each week. My kids drawers aren’t full of clothes that don’t fit. The best part…there’s no more laundry all over the floor of my kids rooms!
If you are like me and need to write things down to stay on top of everything, then click the button below to download our FREE Printable Daily Planning Page!

Always Learning and Always Growing! Happy Homeschooling!