
Homeschool Encouragement Week 7

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Welcome to week 7 of our Homeschool Encouragement Series! This week, we’ll talk about being flexible and Year Round Homeschooling.

Homeschool Encouragement Series Week 7
Homeschool Encouragement Series Week 7

Welcome back homeschooling families!

Cleaning, Nesting, and Sickness

We have had a week of cleaning, nesting and then sickness in our home. Late last week, I decided to redo our homeschool room. We moved the big bookshelf out and put in two smaller ones. I reorganized our school room closet so that I could find all of the books, games and puzzles that I’ve been looking for lately. We finished off two read alouds that we’ve been working through for a while. I also reorganized my master closet to get to all of our baby boy clothes that we saved from our last baby and then sorted them all out by size. The newborn and 0-3 months baby boy clothes are all clean and ready for baby to get here sometime in September! Successful week right?!

Wrong…then the sickness hit. Rounds of fevers, coughing, homemade chicken noodle soup and lots of snuggles. I’ve had to be flexible this week in our homeschool, in our chores, and in our meal plans. I planned on doing several full days of school along with some museum trips, but then sickness came in and took us out for the week – again! As we are finally on the mend, I’m thankful that we homeschool year-round or I would be so stressed out that we were “behind”.

Homeschool Encouragement

So here is your homeschool encouragement for the week, remember you have 52 weeks every year to get everything done. You don’t have to follow the traditional 36 week/180 days school schedule that we’ve become so accustomed to. We get to make our own schedules. We get to take time off when the kids are sick. We can take time off when we have a newborn and we’re sleep deprived. This doesn’t mean we are failing our kids. We are just adjusting to what life throws at us – which is a life skill in itself!

My goal over the next two months is to stay consistent with reading and math and continue to read aloud to my kids. And you know what? That’s enough for this season. If we get more that this done – Great – If not, I won’t worry about it because we can fit it in later in our school year. We will still get it done, just not right now. We will find our rhythms again after we adjust to having a new baby. So if you are in a season of overwhelm due to sickness, or grieving a loved one, or moving across the country, know this – it’s okay to rest. It’s okay to drop something that’s not working right now and come back to it later! God sees you, and He has given you grace for this season!

I’d love to hear from you!

I’d love to hear from you! Was this encouraging to you? Is there something you would add? Comment below or send a quick email to hello@hsfg.org!

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Tyla From Homeschool Freebie's and Giveaways holding a coffee mug that says Homeschool Mama

Always Learning and Always Growing! Happy Homeschooling!


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