FREE Printable Nails Coloring Pages for Kids or Fashion
Looking for some cute, fun and FREE Nails coloring pages? Well look no further! You’ve found your spot for free coloring pages!
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Do you love to paint your nails? I know I do! My daughter is about to turn 8 and she is very much into painting her nails and make-up right now. In fact, I created these coloring pages for her and decided to share just in case anyone else needed something fun and free to do with your child.
All of our printables come as a free pdf digital download. You you can get the printable version of each picture by simply clicking on any of the pictures to get the full page as free printable coloring pages.
We love to color in our house and my kids are always asking me to make them some coloring pages. If you prefer coloring books to random pieces of paper all over your house, then you should look into these coloring books. We really enjoy using colored pencils rather than markers or crayons so they don’t bleed and you have more control over them.

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Child Hand and Nails Coloring Page
This is a great coloring sheet for small children to color their own hand, add jewelry, and “paint” their nails! These are a fun way for children to learn hand eye coordination and to help stimulate relaxation.
A child could use this hand/nails coloring page to design their own holiday themed nails, create what they think would be a great ring or bracelet, and they can use it with these markers to color their skin color and use for a lesson in diversity.
Single Nail Coloring Page
This is a fun way to practice nail art! I love the simplicity of it since it’s just a close up of a finger and a single nail. If your child loves nail polish coloring pages then they may be interested in this fun coloring book.
Since my daughter has been so interested in nail polish and make-up I started looking for some products that would be safe to use for her without all of the harsh chemicals that are standard in the make-up industry. I found one that I really love. If you are looking for a clean, nail polish for your child then you should look into Klee Natural’s Nail Polish. They have a great product, good pricing and the packaging looks so fun for kids!
Nails Facing Forward and Sideways
These two are great for someone learning dimensions. The side view and the forward facing hands with nails coloring pages are great for learning to draw hands from different angles as well as, nail art and simply coloring them for fun! My daughter loves to color the one with the sweater for the nails to match the sweater!

Filing Nails Coloring Page
This one takes coloring nails to the next level by adding the dimension of filing the nails. You can have your child color this as they learn about cleanliness. Washing your hands, clipping and filing your nails are all part of self care and body cleanliness.
I feel like just as children are getting to the age of wanting to use nail polish and make-up they are also more aware of learning to take care of the small details of their daily care. Using daily routines are a great way for a child to learn self awareness and take care of their hands.
Using Coloring for Relaxation
Coloring is not just for children, but is also an amazing way for us, as adults, to take time to de-stress from the busyness of life. Use these and so many other free printable coloring pages to take a pause in our daily lives to really relax. I love this time in my life where I get the chance to sit down with my children and just color with them. It connects us as we spend time doing something we both love, and they get my full attention in this busy life.
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